
Our In-House herbal blend of chamomile flowers. An herbal Infusion that has zero caffeine content. An infusion that is known to have numerous health benefits. A bright yellow liquor with the calming aroma and taste of Chamomile. This beverage would make anyone relax and enjoy every sip.

Our range of the Pyramid teabags are made from the Plant based material known as Soilon, a fine mesh made from corn starch. The Pyramid Teabags contain Loose Leaf Tea and are designed perfectly for better tea infusions. The teabags have ample space for the tea leaves to unfurl distributing the flavor and taste of the tea equally throughout your cup. The Tea Leaves are manufactured in a Pyramid Shaped Teabag, and curated from an earth friendly, bio-mass material, known as PLA, TEAROAD (R) – SOILON (R).  The Teabags are placed in a pouch, heat-sealed to minimize oxygen transmission resulting in a brew of a sparkling infusion, flavor and aroma.